"As the owner of a jewelry boutique in central London, I can't recommend Your Favourite Jeweller enough! Their review platform is incredibly user-friendly, allowing our customers to easily share their experiences, which has significantly boosted our credibility. The True Love - Eternity Ring has been a top seller"

James Matheson

Kings n Queens Jewellers

As a jewelry business owner, Your Favourite Jeweller has helped me gain more exposure and attract new customers. Highly recommended!

Jane Smith

Owner, Trillogy Jewellers

The story of how we got started

We started as a bootstrapped company travelling from the Sillicon Valley to London, Now we are on track to Manufacturing and GTM Actively looking for retailers to start and scale our brand

September 2024
Designs are completed for the Eternity band and GTM is established
January 2024
Build out the Male Version of the designs and work on Bespoke Rings for auction.
February 2024
Work on partnerships for sourcing of sustainable materials

Build relationships to have our inlays and jewelry gloves designed

Working with designers from the United States we will design our boxes and bags to distribute to our retail partners.

Lauren, Creative Director at Design Studios No.1

April 2024
Scaling from 1 to 3 Retail locations in central London.

We are excited to partner with Your Favourite Jeweller in this markeing ooprtunity and to wear their uniquely crafted jewellery!

Amanda Lynn, Realtor

July 2024
Designing the next steps and fuure ittreatins of the brand in our Special and Limited Edition Collections

Whilst in Italy, Miraj worked with with brands such as Girardi, Wellington and Lizao.

Andrew captured important moments as jewelers showcase their creation.

October 2024
After spending time apart, Dan and Adam begin to plan their next moves and rekindle their business partnership.

The YFJ PLATFORM is born

with api integrations in the pipeline we are seekig funding to hire software engineers.


Tu Favoritas - Your Favorite

December 2024
Development of no code to partially coded databae configuration.
Jan-Feb 2025
🚀 True Love launches
Stocking 75 units of the True Love Ring

Deploying 25 of the true Love Rings to our Franchises per location.

July 2025
After seeing some success with returns on product the platform see's a surge in active users creating additional traffic for our retailers with international partnerships
As a franchisor, we partner with passionate entrepreneurs and established businesses, View our Collection Eternity Band  to see if this would be a suitable opportunity for your team to partner with.
We have 550 different businesses pre-registered on our platform and plan to scale internationally to Europe and North America.

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Empowering Jewelry Businesses

At Your Favourite Jeweller, our mission is to empower jewelry businesses by providing a comprehensive reviews platform. We believe in helping businesses thrive by connecting them with their customers through honest and transparent reviews.

Dedicated to Providing an Honest Reviews System

As Your Favourite Jeweller, we are dedicated to providing unbiased reviews for jewelry businesses. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions when purchasing jewelry.

As Your Favourite Jeweller, we are dedicated to providing unbiased reviews for jewelry businesses. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions when purchasing jewelry.

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Empower, Protect, Support

At Your Favourite Jeweller, we are committed to providing transparency, ensuring quality, and fostering community support in the jewelry industry. We believe in empowering businesses and consumers alike.

Community Support: Empowering Jewelry Professionals

We support and uplift jewelry boutique owners, sales professionals, and wedding business owners in our community.


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Discover the perfect jewelry and boost your business with our trusted reviews platform.

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Transparency: Building Trust in the Industry

We prioritize transparency by providing unbiased and honest reviews.

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We ensure that only the highest quality jewelry businesses are listed on our platform.

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